Instructor Resources
General Information
- Academic Calendar
- Instructor Checklist
- Entering Class Grades (through Banner)
- Accessing Course Roster (through Banner)
- FERPA Desk Reference
- Textbook Selection Policy
- Payroll Deduction Form
Additional academic forms & resources are available on the Faculty & Instructors tab in LopeAccess.
- Lope Access (staff and student portal)
- Lope Access Instructions
- Banner for Faculty and Advisors
- Desire2Learn (D2L)
- Login Assistance: LCC IT Help Desk or 719.336.6666
- 24/7 & Afterhours Assistance: CCCS 24/7 Support Desk at 888.800.9198 or see
- Student Services: 719.336.1590 or
- Campus Safety: 719.688.1412 or 336.1192
- Keys: Brian England at 719.336.1192
Concurrent Enrollment Resources
- CE Timeline
- CE Registration Checklist
- CE College Agreement
- Supporting Undocumented Youth
- Accuplacer Placement Scores
- CE Schedule Template
- CE Factsheet
- ASCENT Information
For additional CE assistance, contact Cathy Park (719.336.1514) or Berna Griego (course scheduling, 719.336.1521)
Graduate Course Stipend
Concurrent Enrollment instructors can now apply for a stipend to help them off-set the cost of graduate courses. Apply below or open the application in a new tab.