Learn all about Lamar Community College by the numbers. This data will help you get a clear picture of who we are.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
What are Institutional Learning Outcomes?
They are learning goals that all students will achieve in any program of study. When our students complete their certificate or degree, we want them to have grown in their ability to communicate, to think actively, to understand and have the skills of professionalism for any environment, and to understand the value of social connectedness and engaged citizenship.
How do we define our Institutional Learning Outcomes?
LCC equips students to intellectually and ethically compete for professional and academic advancement in an ever-changing world. Our learning outcomes represent the essential components that work together to produce the desired academic result of college coursework. LCC uses aspects of the Association of American Colleges and Universities LEAP Essential Learning outcomes. It is expected that every LCC graduate will achieve these outcomes.
Active Thinking
- Reasoning
- Creativity
- Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Reliability/Conscientiousness
- Focus & Follow-Through
- Goal Setting
- Civility & Respect
- Ethical Behavior
- Technological Literacy
- Written
- Oral
- Interpersonal
Social Connectedness & Engaged Citizenship
- Involvement in Campus Life
- Serving & Supporting Others
- Leadership
- Global Awareness
How do we measure our Institutional Learning Outcomes?
We sample student work and ask students to give us feedback. We look for improvement in a student’s abilities from their first semester to their last semester. We work to provide opportunities for students to grow in their classes, in their clubs and activities, and in their interactions with LCC services.
View the complete Assessment Report
Student Achievement
As the student achievement report demonstrates, Lamar Community College provides students with a high-quality education, empowers them to achieve excellence, and prepares them for employment and to become productive citizens of local and global communities.
LCC is continually gauging student outcomes via different assessments, evaluations, degree completion, and retention rates.
View the Student Outcomes by Demographics report
Common Data Set
Use the LCC Common Data Set to view yearly data on learn more about Lamar Community College. This report includes data on enrollment and persistence, admissions, academic offerings and policies, student life, annual student expenses, financial aid, faculty and class sizes, and degrees conferred by discipline.
The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student’s transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers.
CCCS Fact Book
Review data about LCC enrollment, retention, graduation rates and more in-depth information at the Colorado Community College System website.
Campus Safety
Lamar Community College strives to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students. For details, visit the Campus Safety page.