
The last day to drop a course and receive a full refund of tuition and fees is the census date, which is typically a few weeks after classes start. See the Academic Calendar for census date information.

After this deadline, students can still drop a class without impacting their grades during the first two-thirds of the semester, but will not receive a refund.

How and When Will I Get My Money?

Lamar Community College delivers refunds with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.

Refunds are sent electronically within 14 days of showing up on your account, based on the preference you select with BankMobile.

If you do not choose a refund preference, a paper check will be mailed to the address on file when your BankMobile record was generated.

Important Information:

  • Refunds, including financial aid, go through BankMobile.
  • Credit card payments will be refunded to the original card first, if eligible. The refund cannot exceed the original payment amount; excess funds will be processed through BankMobile.
  • Payment plan enrollment fees are not refundable, no matter when a student drops or withdraws from a class.

BankMobile FAQ’s

Use BankMobile’s interactive FAQ system to quickly find answers to any questions you may have about your account or your disbursement.

View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.

(719) 336-1590 Betz Technology Center – Student Services Monday - Friday | 7:30AM – 5:00PM
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