Zero-Cost Training for In-Demand Jobs

Thanks to Lamar Community College (LCC) and the Career Advance Colorado initiative, your path to a successful future is paved with promise. As of August 2023, if you enroll in one of the Career Advance select programs, and you qualify, you will receive last-dollar-in funding to cover tuition, fees, course materials, and other costs while funding is available. If you aspire to pursue a career in education, nursing, welding, or construction, LCC has got you covered. Your journey to a brighter, more fulfilling future begins here, with the doors of opportunity wide open and your ambitions within reach.

LCC is proud to have been awarded the Career Advance Colorado Grant, a significant funding initiative aimed at advancing workforce development and enhancing educational opportunities for Colorado residents. The grant, administered by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, provides essential support to educational institutions like LCC to address the growing demand for skilled workers in various industries. This grant will enable the College to provide valuable resources to students pursuing careers in high-demand fields.

Dr. Reyes, President of Lamar Community College, warmly expressed her gratitude for the Career Advance Colorado Grant, emphasizing its pivotal role in propelling our students towards key positions in our region: “Lamar Community College remains steadfast in its commitment to meet the ever-evolving workforce needs of our thriving community by providing high-skill, high-wage degrees that allow our students to earn family-sustaining wages. The Career Advance Colorado grant allows us to take significant strides toward that goal.”

This initiative has already made a meaningful impact, with the identification of 60 eligible students currently enrolled at the college. In September alone, LCC disbursed over $90,000 of these grant funds, with each recipient receiving an average award of nearly $3,000. This tangible support is a testament to LCC’s commitment to its students’ success and their aspirations. The College expects to continue supporting students and their aspirations with this funding through 2025.

The Career Advance Colorado Grant is making opportunities more accessible than ever before. Whether you’re passionate about education, nursing, welding, or construction, LCC is ready to support your journey to success at no cost to you. Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to pursue your dreams. Enroll this upcoming spring semester at Lamar Community College. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re among the first to benefit from this remarkable initiative, securing the financial support you need to pursue your desired program and embark on your path to success.

Jordan Kemp, LCC’s Director of Financial Aid, supports this notion, stating that “Career Advance Colorado is a wonderful opportunity for our students that helps to ensure advanced education is attainable in these fields at little to no cost to the student, while funds last. If you have ever considered advancing your education in one of the covered areas, now is the time to do so!”

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